Short answer:
You can see if your account is overdue by logging into the website or app and choosing 'Account' from the menu. You'll see any amount you owe listed. We'll also send you an email if you miss a payment. Please pay any overdue amounts as soon as possible.
Our community of car-sharers relies on everyone paying what they owe. Without this respect from one member of the community to another, neighbour-to-neighbour car-sharing won't work.
Thankfully, almost all of our members pay their bills on time. If you miss a payment, we'll send a reminder.
Overdue amounts may be referred to a debt collection agency, the costs of which will be added to your debt, and also lead to a default being listed against your credit report.
Payment plans
If you can't pay the total amount you owe right now, please let us know your situation. We understand that things don't always go according to plan and want to do all we can to help you.
Paying a debt already referred to debt collection
If we have notified you that we have referred your debt to a debt collection agency, you can still settle the balance with us. First, you'll need to contact the debt collection agency to ask for the total amount due. This will include any amounts owing to us as well as the agency's fees. Once you have the total amount due, you can choose to settle your debt directly with us or with the agency. You'll find the agency's contact details on the letter or email you would have received from them.
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