Short answer:

You can take and upload photos of your car to track its condition. These photos, and the photos Borrowers take during their trips, form your car's condition log. They're important for recording the condition of your car and determining who is responsible for any damage that may occur.

We recommend that you upload a new set of condition photos at least once every three months. This helps you and us keep track of any new damage.

To take clear condition photos:

  • take the photos outside during the day
  • make sure they are clear and in focus
  • take photos of all sides of your car, as well as the roof and interior
  • take close-up photos of any scratches, scuffs, dents or tears

Updating your car's condition log 

  1. Log in to the website (not app)
  2. Go to Cars 
  3. Under Manage this car, select Edit profile
  4. Select Condition photos
  5. Upload or drag and drop the photo files you'd like to upload
  6. Click Submit photos
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