New damage claims involving pre-existing damage

Short answer:

If damage is reported on a part of your car where there's also pre-existing damage, the cost to repair the pre-existing damage won’t be covered under this claim.

The exclusion of pre-existing damage is listed in the Owner Agreement.

Determining repair costs for the new damage

If we’ve made a previous cash settlement for damage to the same part, we’ll get a quote to repair the entire area. The previous settlement amount will be deducted from the quote and only the difference between the full quote and the settlement amount will be considered in this case.

For example:

  1. In July, you receive a cash settlement for $250 for some minor damage to your bumper
  2. The following February, you submit a new damage report for a dent in your bumper
  3. We get a quote to repair the whole bumper for $600
  4. $600 - $250 is $450 so this claim is for $450 to repair just the dent

If we haven’t made a previous cash settlement for damage to the same part, we’ll get a quote to repair just the new damage.

Settlement options

You can choose to:

  • take a cash settlement for the cost of repairing the new damage (as determined by the process above) OR
  • have us manage the repairs for the whole area and you cover the cost of repairing the pre-existing damage (either the amount you previously received as a cash settlement or the difference between quotes for repairing the whole area and repairing just the new damage)

If you choose to have the damage repaired, the amount you’ll pay depends on your Sharing Plan.

Full-Time Fleet sharing plan

Cars on our Full-Time Fleet plan have Between-Booking Cover through Mobility Mutual. This provides protection while parked between bookings and for up to 1,000km of out-of-booking driving each year. If the pre-existing damage occurred while your car was on one of these plans, you’ll need to pay the cost of repairs up to your excess.

If the damage was pre-existing when your car joined the platform, it won't be covered. You'll need to pay the full cost of repairing the pre-existing damage and make a claim with your insurer at the time the damage occurred.

Instant Keys and Key Handover

Cars on our Instant Keys and Key Handover plans don't have cover between bookings. If the pre-existing damage occurred while your car was on one of these plans (or before your car joined), you’ll need to pay the full cost of repairing the pre-existing damage and make a claim with your own insurer.

If you believe the pre-existing damage was caused by a borrower, submit a separate damage report (bearing in mind that we’ll only investigate damage that was reported within 14 days of the end of the booking period in which the damage occurred).

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